Interviewing Prep - Predicting Questions & Preparing Responses by Kokki
Ready to spend time preparing for an upcoming interview? Giving feedback to someone preparing for a job interview?
This document prepares candidates for an interview & provides a template for interviewers providing feedback to candidates. Ideal for students and professionals applying for a job or internship, regardless of industry or role.
Two versions are available for download - one for standard interviews; the other for Leadership Principle-focused interviews used by organizations like Amazon.
Detailed instructions are provided in the tabs.
Creator: Nayoung Miller Won, Founder & Director of . Nayoung is a strategic life & career coach living in Seattle, Washington in the United States. She is a marketer and educator by training (B.B.A University of Michigan, M.S.Ed. University of Pennsylvania), and has pivoted careers multiple times. Having worked as a full-time career coach (U of Washington, National University of Singapore, Wharton School), she founded Kokki LLC as a passion project.
a downloadable spreadsheet with sample interview questions & rubric